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Myopic father + myopic mother = myopic child?

作者:小编 日期:2021-06-07 17:46:05 点击数:

After the analysis of ophthalmologists, although myopia also has a certain genetic gene, but caused by different factors myopia, its genetic probability is not the same.And what cause an eye myopia besides heredity, the environment that its place is in occupies proportion very big, use time of eye of science only so, reduce an eye to use, adorn suit frame glasses, just can delay the occurrence of myopia.

Myopia can be inherited really, this problem basically sees the myopia situation of your parents, for instance you are high myopia patient, the probability that hereditary myopia gives next generation can be larger.And if the myopic degree of your parents is only 300 degrees, be less than, criterion the concept of heredity is met very small, it is to do not have heredity sex generally qualitative.So, whether myopia can be inherited, basically still depends on the degree of myopia of parents.

From the medical point of view, myopia is divided into simple myopia, pathological myopia two kinds:

1. The former is generally caused by the acquired habit of using eyes, and the concept of heredity will be relatively small;

        2. The latter has a certain congenital factors, coupled with the day after tomorrow's work, study lead to vision loss, reach more than 600 degrees of myopia, the genetic probability will be relatively large.

For example, some teenagers and children, long-term learning and reading, playing computer games and so on, resulting in excessive eye fatigue, it is easy to form myopia.At the same time, some patients with mild myopia, because not in time to wear myopic glasses to control the development of vision, resulting in the decline of vision faster and faster, and finally gradually form a high myopia.

In a word, myopia is due to the genetic and environmental common results, the acquired environmental factors account for a large part, so in life should pay attention to the eye, at the same time eat more vitamins, protein food, to improve the ability of the eyes to resist.
